I’m Collins
Glad to see you!
I’m a software developer! I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don’t hestiate to contact me.
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio.png)
To-do List
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (1).png)
Multi-Post Stories
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Full Stack Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio2.png)
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (2).png)
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio3.png)
Facebook 360
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Full Stack Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (3).png)
Multi-Post Stories
Uber Navigation
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Lead Developer
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio4.png)
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio.png)
To-Do List
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (1).png)
Multi-Post Stories
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Full Stack Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio2.png)
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (2).png)
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio3.png)
Facebook 360
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Full Stack Dev
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](snapshotimages/Snapshoot Portfolio (3).png)
Multi-Post Stories
Uber Navigation
- Canopy
- Back End Dev
- Lead Developer
- 2015
A daily selection of privately personalized reads; no accounts or sign-ups required.
![snapshot](dektopimages/Snapshoot Portfolio4.png)
About Myself
Hello I’m a software developer! I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don’t hestiate to contact me.